IT Help desk Software | Types of IT Help desk
In our times, the IT Help desk that companies decide to use in their organization needs to be equipped with a continuous, smooth stream of end-client and business-measure tools that address various Information Technology-related problems.
Monitoring all the frequently occurring, common issues is an absolute necessity for the fast-paced, competing business world we have in 2020.
Companies’ unpredictable nature, businesses, and associations of the technology-led era we live in make it compelling for every ambitious undertaking to implement. An IT Help desk in a place that allows for ease of access, proficient utility, a ticket system that assigns tickets to the more qualified staff, and so on.
The correct service desk or IT help desk needs to implement all the fundamental ITSM measures that have been established as industry standards.
What are the characteristics of such an IT help desk?
- Self-administration entryways
- Information bases
- Controller
- Secret word reset
- Email mix
And a dozen more that we will explore in the blog post.
Being reputed as a cooperative organization among your peers and competitors allows your IT Help desk to establish a network of end-client contacts.
Your service desk operatives can identify common occurrences, demands for administration rights or data, and other recurrent issues that pop up from time to time.
This also includes appropriate ticket assignments to IT help desk operatives known to be efficient in resolving similar issues.
The apt IT Help desk software promises these reliable characteristics through:
- Prioritization
- Organization
- Automated directing
- Ticket resolution
Before we look at the different types of IT help desk that exists, let us first understand some important terms. And lastly, we will mention the best software available out there that promises the most resourceful IT help desk software.
Ticket System

A ticket system is an assistance tool that helps organizations deal with the backlogs that their employees face in their daily operations. The framework works on the simple premise of archiving a ‘ticket,’ which is nothing but a complaint/request.
This ticket is then assigned to the service desk operative who can address the problem and resolve it with finesse for the end-user.
The ticket system allows smooth communication between the user experiencing a problem and the rep who is handling it. All of this ensures that the client is satisfied with his experience and time with the company.
But how does the whole underlying mechanic work?
The ticketing system first records the complaint, whether it’s in the form of an email, call, message,
or if it’s a social media handle, then even tweets or other modes of communication.
The IT help desk software then creates a two-way communication line between the service desk personnel that will handle the problem and the end-user.
Your company’s reputation will only grow if your staff can resolve problems within the duration of the first POC (point of contact).
Suppose the solving process stretches beyond a tolerable time (say a day or two). In that case, client satisfaction is left to the client’s patience, which may work for one or two people but is extremely problematic in the long run as your company expands more and more.
After the issue is resolved, the company may implement a survey system that records your clients’ experience and how satisfied they are.
Service desk

We have been using this term ‘service desk’ or ‘IT help desk’ throughout the blog post. Surely, it would help if you had some idea of what it refers to. In case you don’t, let us first understand what it means before we learn about the different IT Help desk types.
The service desk is nothing more than a group, team, personnel, or, however, you define them. These are the employees who know the skills and are knowledgeable in the field of Information Technology.
They are aware of the know-how and workarounds behind the common issues related to the technology used for your operations. Whether it be a software bug, difficulty accessing the corporate account, or a hardware issue, you go to them for the solution.
The service desk team is the brains behind the whole operation, but they need tools and inventory for the brawns. That is what the IT help desk software does. It acts as the vehicle that drives the whole endeavor.
The IT help desk software is equipped with different features and tools that make the process easy for the client and the rep. Since we are now out of the Stone Age, the whole process is digitized, and a company cannot enter the large-scale market without it.
There are some differences in the technical sense of the terms ‘IT help desk’ and a service desk, but that’s only for IT people to know. For this blog, consider them as one.
Since you are now properly informed about the ticket system and an IT help desk/service desk, let us explore the different types of IT help desk software.
There are five main types of IT help desk software.
1. On-premise Helpdesk Software
Like its name, the On-premise helpdesk software is on the premises of the organization. Not literally. The company buys a licensed software to which it holds all propriety and ownership rights. The software is integrated into the servers of the company’s digital infrastructure.
The biggest advantage of this software is that the company owns all the data and gets complete control. This means the safety of data security and privacy of information.
The biggest drawback is the budget, since acquiring it needs a huge expenditure. Its level of maintenance depends on the company as well.
2. Open-source Helpdesk Software
One may say it’s the complete opposite of On-premise software. The company doesn’t own the software’s licensing rights, but its developers can access the source code of the software to modify it for their purposes.
It is best suited for companies whose IT personnel are equipped with programming abilities to update the software to its needs. This is also a drawback if this is lacking, but as far as IT Help desk software goes, this is one of the most popular types.
This may be more cost-effective for companies that are not looking to invest too much and want resourceful software to drive their service desk operations.
3. Cloud-based/hosted Helpdesk Software
Cloud-based or hosted help desk software are neither bought by companies nor are they open-source and free-to-use. They are run by third-party vendors who allow the company to host their operation on a remote cloud server provided by the vendor.
There is a rental fee for maintenance and cost of operations, although a trial period is almost always provided. This software can be used offline in the absence of the internet, which is not likely to happen. But it’s a failsafe measure in case of server downtimes or shutdowns.
Nevertheless, there are drawbacks like security risks with manual tampering of the servers, stunting business operations’ speed in longer server downtimes, and monthly expenses.
4. Web-based Helpdesk Software
It is very similar to cloud-based software, but the third-party vendor’s servers are online and not offline.
While it is accompanied by many advantages like external support for upgrading and maintenance, data backup and retrieval, greater data security, switching between more pocket-friendly subscription plans, it has its fair share of problems.
It requires a steady supply of high-speed internet connection; companies cannot access the help desk in server downtimes and monthly expenses.
5. Enterprise Helpdesk Software
Enterprise help desk software is the most difficult one to understand. Many more intricate elements make up the whole of its system.
Larger companies require more focused systems in place for their different departments to ensure a smooth workflow. An enterprise help desk software is only aimed at those large operations and is not meant to be used by small-scale companies.
Which IT Helpdesk Software should you use?
There are many prominent names out there for the choosing.
But here’s why you should use PeppyBiz.
We offer remarkable features that are going to help you streamline your workflow with complete ease.
Our range of IT help desk/service desk features include:
1. Shared inboxes between colleagues

2. SLA setups
3. Team performance tracking

4. Mail collaboration
5. Centralized communication with external mediums

6. Automate ticketing system

7. Dedicated mobile app

8. Report analysis

And many more features, all integrated to make the operations of your business easy.
With over 12,000+ satisfied customers, we recommend you check out our services now.
The concepts and types of IT help desk software that we mentioned are the most prevalent ones in the market today. Choosing the right one after analyzing your company’s needs can make the greatest impact on your future.
Maybe in the present, you may choose an open-source, and in the future, you may need to shift to an Enterprise service desk. Nevertheless, the choice falls to you.
But what you can do right now is to check out the premium services of PeppyBiz; we might be just the right one for you.