10 Best Customer Service Tips To Provide Better Support

customer service tips

Customers play an important role in any company. In a speech by Mahatma Gandhi, “Customers are the most important people. They don’t depend on companies; companies depend on him.” A good blend of great products with customer service leads to great business. Here are some of the best customer service tips to gain more customer satisfaction.

What is customer service?

customer service

Customer service’s true meaning is giving the best service by meeting their requirements and solving their queries. When a company’s service matches the customer’s expectations, it is a success. Customer service management helps businesses gain a competitive edge in their business. The highest level of service provided will increase your brand image in the marketplace.

Good customer service attracts many customers. If the service is the best, customers will not hesitate to pay more. To maintain good customer service, you need to choose an employee who is happy to work with your company.

Because if you hire someone who doesn’t care about the customer, who won’t give it 100%. The form of marketing through word of mouth is very effective. It helps customers to trust the brand than any other form of advertising. Let’s get started with some of the best customer service tips .

Top 10 Customer Service Tips to Provide Better Customer Support:

1. Choosing the Right Software for your company.

Choosing the Right Software

The company cannot depend on only the service team, so the company needs to choose the right help desk software to help the service team in their work. Help desk software helps companies in various ways, from maintaining customer records to communicating with customers through email.

Choose software that offers various features such as help desk, marketing, and CRM to help you generate more leads. Choose software that provides active support, automated ticketing systems, customer reviews, and reporting tools.

PeppyBiz software can provide you with most of the features mentioned above, like CRM, marketing, and helpdesk. The company can also request a free demo.

Always try a demo before choosing any software to make sure the decision you made is correct. The company should select software offering modern features and easy to use software, so the staff can also use the software without facing any problems.  

2. Survey to identify customer feedback on their experience.

Survey to identify customer feedback

Choose a service software that offers a customer review system. Customer feedback can help us improve the company’s service based on customer expectations and requirements. This will help the company investigate previous mistakes made and can prevent them from happening in the future.

Surveys help companies know everything their customers need, and after looking at the surveys, companies can focus on serving their customers better. Through surveys, we know our customers’ views on our products, companies, and services.

Surveys help you analyze the customer experience and ask for an evaluation. PeppyBiz software provides a review system that can help to know customer reviews without any problems. Provide CES that is a customer effort score; it is a rating system in which customers can rate from 1 to 5 according to the service they received. Many companies use this to get feedback and to know their value.

3. Check agent and company performance.

Check agent and company performance

Use helpdesk software to make sure the system is functioning incorrectly and manage the agent and company performances. Keeping records of your company’s performance can make a difference in your business.

View the average turnaround time to see the agent’s performance and check real-time chat performance to see if it’s up-to-date, check messages which are still not responded to, and how fast agents respond to queries. All this can be achieved through PeppyBiz software, which helps keep track of the agent’s performance and analyze it.

4. Give your customers an unforgettable experience.

This is very important in earning customer trust. One bad experience with the company can damage years of hard work and goodwill. So take care of complete customer satisfaction. This will improve performance and can increase loyal customers for the enterprise.

Keep clear communication with customers, which will give customers a good experience and can provide satisfaction. The staff of the service team should always maintain a positive attitude and reasonably talk to customers.

This trick always works, and customers get overwhelmed by such calls. The company can use PeppyBiz to improve its service by making it easier to operate for both staff and customers; this will reduce various steps and provide ultimate customer satisfaction.

5. Smart recruitment of service team staff and provide the correct training for the post.

Smart recruitment of service team

Choosing a service team employee plays an important role because they are the only ones with direct customer contact. Staff with good communication skills, management skills, and the ability to handle customer questions and inquiries.

Someone who can manage rude and angry customers without upsetting them. Employees with patience, flexibility, and language skills should get selected over others. Companies must look after their dedication towards their work and their behavior towards customers.

Companies must provide regular training so that their employees can deal with modern issues without difficulty. Companies should provide a good working environment for their employees and be grateful when they excel in the field by offering incentives to their employees.

6. Solve the customer’s problem on the first try to create a good impression.

Solve the customer's problem

Resolve customer inquiries in one call to give your customers a good first impression. Many employees make miscommunication mistakes and forward calls to other employees, leading to customer dissatisfaction.

Do not hold the call for more than 30 seconds and call back the customer as soon as possible when required. The company should educate staff on handling calls and what to do if they can’t find a solution to customer inquiries. Keep a survey after the call to get customer feedback and always check your FCR rate. 

7. Build customer honesty towards the company.

Treating customers like friends makes customers feel comfortable with the company and maintains good relationships with customers, increasing your sales. Customers will return to the company if their previous experience has met their expectations.

They will even recommend the product to others. This will increase the number of customers. Requesting email feedback will give you a rating that shows your customer’s views towards the company.

Talk to customers and listen to them to avoid misunderstandings and maintain good relationships with existing customers. Offers various options, such as email and live chat to make it easy for customers to communicate.

8. Reduction of abandoned calls.

Reduction of abandoned calls

Abandoned calls are calls disconnected between the communications. There can be many reasons for this, so it is very important to reduce your abandoned call rate. The main reasons for abandoned calls can be long conversations, unresolved suspicions, misunderstandings of queries, poor communication skills, and dissatisfaction from the service team.

Try to keep customers online by playing music while calls are on hold to reduce abandoned calls; companies can add more service agents when there is more call flow at a particular time in a day. The company can add a well designed IVR ( interactive voice response) with an easy use menu.

Provide customers with self-service options; it can reduce the rate of abandoned calls. Customers can communicate with IVR or emails. PeppyBiz can be a nice option. It offers various features like live chat and communication via various media like Facebook and Twitter, which can reduce many abandoned calls.

Companies often overlook less recognized solutions like a virtual receptionist. If you’re wondering what is a virtual receptionist and how it can be useful, it can be a service or a tool that is designed to handle incoming calls, manage communication, and streamline call management.

9. Solve problems/complaints faster. 

Are you observing the most frequent problems your customers face and seeing them over and over again? When customer complaints treat customers well, listen to them, never speak between them. After identifying the problem, guarantee a solution to the customer.

Apologize for the inconvenience, and check whether the customer gets satisfaction after providing a solution. If the service agent doesn’t have a solution to a particular complaint or issue, tell them to ask for some time from the customer to resolve their problems.

Never disappoint a customer; it may cost you a lot more than one can think as a single bad impression spread faster than ten good impressions. So always keep in mind to talk in a polite manner and with calmness with customers.

10. Service Level Agreement Compliance


The SLA is an agreement between the customer and the company. When the company sticks to the contract, the customer knows that the company is providing the mentioned service, indicating its integrity. The SLA is a clear guideline provided for service, and it’s a kind of relief for customers as they can trust the particular company.


Every company should do its best when it comes to customer service and because customer service is an important aspect of any business. Gaining customer trust in customer service has very much importance. Take a look at the many helpful tips that can help you make changes in your customer service department, depending on its needs.

This will improve the quality of your customer service. Companies should focus on improving customer service, so you don’t stay behind when all the companies are quite ahead. Excellent customer service will increase your demand in the business. 

Let us know in the comments section below which one of the above-mentioned customer service tips you are going to implement in your business.

Sara is a Content Writer at PeppyBiz. She is not only a creative writer but also paints a beautiful canvas. She makes sure that you are left with no doubt about keeping up with marketing and sales.

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