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Tumblr Notification tool – Integration Guide

Integrating  Notifyvisitors site notifications tool is very simple with Tumblr. If you are not signed up with NotifyVisitors already, Please sign up first. Sign up for free now !!

Follow these steps to integrate tumblr notification:

1. Customize your blog theme

Tumblr dashboard > Customize

change theme

2. Edit HTML

Customize > Edit HTML

Change HTML

3.  Copy-paste  your NotifyVisitors integration code into Tumblr’s HTML and save

Tumblr HTML and save

Get your NotifyVisitors integration code from the ‘Notifyvisitors Admin panel -> ‘Integration’  and paste the code just before closing body tag </body>.

notifyvisitors code

First login to the site and then copy  the code so that the secret keys are already prefilled.

Thats it! Your NotifyVisitors site notifications tool is now integrated. You can customize anything from the admin panel. No code changes are needed on your Tumblr blog.
