What is Segmentation? How Does it Work?

What is Segmentation?

Segmentation is a business method that brands apply to cut their target market into smaller, more controllable groups of people based on the common ground to optimize their marketing, advertising, and sales efforts.

Types of Segmentation:


Demographic segmentation 

This segmentation divides a market on various parameters like age, gender, occupation, education level, income, family size, ethnicity, and more.

Types of Segmentation: 

Behavioral segmentation 

Behavioural segmentation has almost the same measurements as psychographic segmentation but behavioural segmentation majorly focuses on particular reactions and how customers make decisions and buy. 


Types of Segmentation: 

Geographical segmentation 

This kind of segmentation targets consumers on the basis of a predefined geographic border. But, differences in interests, preferences, and decisions change dramatically throughout cities, states, and countries, so marketers must recognize these variations and advertise accordingly. 


Types of Segmentation: 

Psychographic segmentation 

A psychographic segmentation concentrates on the intrinsic traits your target customer owns. Psychographic traits can differ in personalities, hobbies, values, beliefs, consciousness, and more. 


Top 3 benefits of using Segmentation


Expand your business 

– Reach current customers more effectively. – Discover new markets and potential customers. – Identify and address unknown customer needs.


Customer Retention 

– Create personalized customer journeys. – Enhance brand experience and loyalty. – Increase the likelihood of customer loyalty.


Lower Spend Rate 

– Efficiently target customers with tailored messages. – Save money by focusing efforts on the right audience. – Avoid wasted resources on ineffective marketing.