What is Email Personalization? Everything You Need to Know

Lined Circle
Lined Circle

What is Email Personalization? 

– Email personalization targets specific subscribers based on their data. – Personalization can range from using a subscriber's name to more sophisticated tactics. – Personalized emails improve open and click-through rates.

Elements of a Personalized Email 

Timing, relevance, and a human touch are key elements of personalized emails.

Basic Email Personalization Tactics 

– "From" name and subject line personalization. – Customizing email copy and imagery. – Dynamic content offers and re-engagement strategies.

Medium Email Personalization Tactics 

– Personalizing email content and copy. – Using imagery and dynamic content offers. – Implementing purchase abandonment strategies.

Advanced Email Personalization Tactics 

– VIP loyalty programs and automated special offers. – Product recommendations based on customer behavior. – Strategies for addressing purchase abandonment.

How to get the relevant data?


Ask questions in your sign-up form

You need to collect the right information from prospects to start personalizing emails, and adding questions in your sign-up forms is a great place to start. 


Send survey

While you need to avoid bombarding subscribers with surveys instantly after signing up for your emails, you can utilize surveys sparingly to collect new data from your subscribers. 


Analyze previous email data

Considering previous email campaigns can also assist you in gathering essential data for personalizing your emails. 


Integrate your email with other key platform

Combining your email platform with other data sources like your CRM and eCommerce platform enables you to build rich subscriber profiles and send more personalized emails.