11 Effective Email List-Building Tips for Shopify Store

Lined Circle
Lined Circle


Define Your Audience 

– Understanding the importance of knowing your email list's makeup. – Tips for segmenting email lists based on customer needs.


Make use of a simple signup form 

– The significance of a simple signup form for staying connected with customers. – Placement of signup forms on the website.


Hold Contests and Giveaways 

– Using contests and giveaways for acquiring email addresses. – Leveraging technology and social media for contests.


Check the exit intent 

– The importance of capturing email addresses before potential customers leave the store. – Tailoring prompts for better response rates.


Create popups for your website 

– Using popups effectively to collect email addresses. – Tailoring offers to match the site's content. – A/B testing for optimal results.


Include A CTA on Your About Page 

Maximizing the About page with a call-to-action for email list-building. 


Check Your Email Deliverability 

– The significance of email deliverability for successful campaigns. – Tools to monitor email deliverability and fix issues.


Use social media platforms 

– Leveraging social media for email list-building. – Strategies such as email campaigns, capture forms, and incentives.