Maximize user engagement with in-app notifications & nudges

Deliver personalized messages at the right moment using in-app notifications and nudges. Enhance your user experience with real-time, context-driven interactions.
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Trusted by 6,000+ customers

Drive action with timely in-app notifications & nudges

In-app notifications send targeted messages while users are active in your app. Engage them instantly and guide
their journey with timely, contextual information.

Real-time messaging

Notify users instantly based on their actions

Customizable designs

Customize your notifications or nudges to match with your brand voice.

Actionable alerts

Prompt users with notifications, suggestions, buttons or links to take action.


Track performance of each notification or nudge drives engagement.

Enhance user experience with notifications & in-app nudges

Notifications prompt quick actions while nudges subtly guide users with helpful suggestions, ensuring a smooth, uninterrupted experience.

Types of nudges

Choose from tooltips, pip video, coachmarks, and app walkthrough. Each nudge enhances engagement and improves user navigation.

Tooltips nudges

Small, text-based hints or messages that appear when a user hovers over or taps on a particular element. They provide contextual information about a feature or functionality.

Coach marks nudges

Visual highlights or overlays that direct the user's attention to specific parts of the app. Often paired with short text descriptions to explain functionality.


App walkthrough

Step-by-step guides that walk new users through the essential functions of an app. These can be a series of screens or a guided tour that users complete upon first using the app.

PIP video

A small, floating video window that plays over the app interface, offering additional guidance or explanations without obstructing the user's main actions.

Easy integration for both notifications & nudges

Easily integrate notifications and nudges into your app. The setup is quick and requires minimal technical effort.


Why use in-app nudges?

Trusted by industry-leading brands

Best conversion rate optimization solution
for your business

Trusted by leading Industry brands

Best multi-channel customer engagement software
for your business.